Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Gertrude Stein: A Long Dress

A very prominent author of the Modernism era is one whose lyrical and literal style is one unique of those from times before. This author is Gertrude Stein. She pushed the limits of literature to new bounds, hence the rendering of the Modernism era. One specific work of hers is one called A Long Dress.

One of the literary traits of this time that Stein utilizes is the stream of consciousness. Stream of consciousness is defined as unedited, spontaneous live or recorded performances, as in film, music, and dramatic and comic monologues, intended to recreate the raw experience of the person portrayed or the performer. The use of this characteristic can be seen in lines 8 and 9 where Stein writes, "only a white and red are black, only a yellow and green are blue, a pink is scarlet, a bow is every color. A line distinguishes it". When reading this you can see that this was scribed as it presented itself in her mind. Then with no chance to forget she would place it one the page, and this enabled the reader to feel incite on her feelings. Consistent with stream of consciousness is another key innovation of the Modernist era, which is fragmentation. This literary form had stemmed from the new intellect that Sigmund Freud "alleviated" the world with in the study of psychology. So you can see the simplicities of the world dynamically deliver them at a more complex illustration. His new revolutionary study of the mind trickled beyond the depths of science and moving to the different disciplines of art. This form of fragmentation is illustrated in lines 4-6.

It seems as though her thoughts are incomplete. This new development in literature was to induce a new retrospect in auditory performance as these features could stimulate the mind and body differently. Also this distortion in the fragmentation made the work, uniplanar which would invoke those emotional and sensory feelings.

The complexities of art as they came in this time were all affected evenly, be of course technology is further increasing everyday so with the upgrading of life throughout the world, so would the art elements. In technology, a new time occurring was the advancement in building technology as skyscrapers and better methods of transportation are created. A well pushed technological upbringing is always stemmed from war and this is where many of these psychological references can be induced.

Another artists from this modernist era is the world famous Spaniard cubist Pablo Picasso. He exemplified the fragmentation trait as he could take a three-dimensional plane and flattens it. The flattening of the plain would show the distortion in the painting. The emission of his feeling can be witnessed in his painting. These degrees of painting can be seen in Picasso's Ma Jolie.

Word Count: 466

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